This guide helps you import a GNU Privacy Guard (GPG) public key from a sender into your email client for verifying and decrypting email.
Continue reading “How to import a GNU Privacy Guard (GPG) public key into email client.”Month: January 2021
This step by step guide will create your own key for signing and encrypting email messages for free with The GNU Privacy Guard (GPG).
Continue reading “How to sign and encrypt email with The GNU Privacy Guard (GPG).”See the open shove range of a maniac and learn, which hands, you can profitably call with and get the money before the other players.
Continue reading “The range of maniac all-in open shoves and hands to profitably call with.”I signed up for pro membership, but I was not satisfied. Here is my review of this poker training site for professional poker players.
Continue reading “Review of Red Chip Poker training site for professional poker players.”Learn, what variance and downswing in poker is, how to avoid variance, and, how to calculate expected variance.
Continue reading “Variance and downswing in poker.”You are often up against a 3% range of QQ+ and AK. Should you call a 4bet all-in? What about a 5bet all-in? The math has the answer.
Continue reading “Should you go all-in preflop with AK? The math has the answer.”The Diplomático rum tasting glass twin pack are, or were, sold seperately in a green twin pack or in a green box in combination with a bottle of Diplomático Reserva Exclusiva rum.
Continue reading “The Diplomático rum tasting glass twin pack.”I have looked into the market of poker coaching and training sites. The results were not impressive. Read my brief reviews of them here.
Continue reading “Finding the best cashgame poker training site for 2021.”Ideas for bike trips in the form of embedded maps from Google Maps.
Continue reading “Ideas for bike trips 2021.”