
How to create exFAT on USB drive with FreeBSD

Why use exFAT for USB drives and removable drives?

The exFAT, short for Extended File Allocation Table, file system supports very large volume sizes, which is one of the reasons, that it is used for larger USB drives and SD cards. exFAT does not have the 4 GB file size limit, that the FAT32 has. exFAT is compatible with different operating systems and physical devices.

Create exFAT on USB drive or removable drive.

If the the drive is already mounted, then unmount it, before creating the exFAT file system.

# umount /dev/da0

Create the exFAT file system on the removable USB drive. The exFAT file system willl not have a partition scheme. This ensures compatibility.

# mkexfatfs /dev/da0
mkexfatfs 1.4.0
Creating... done.
Flushing... done.
File system created successfully.

Confirm, that it mounts.

# mount.exfat /dev/da0 /mnt
FUSE exfat 1.4.0 (libfuse2)

More about exFAT.

How to configure SPF policy record in BIND DNS

What is SPF?

SPF is short for Sender Policy Framework and is an internet standard, that ensures, that email is in fact sent from authorized mail servers. SPF is also known as an SPF policy or an SPF record. SPF is a special TXT resource record (RR) for the domain in DNS. The TXT RR contains a list of mail servers, that is authorized to send email on behalf on the domain. You can configure an SPF policy record in BIND DNS.

Continue reading “How to configure SPF policy record in BIND DNS”

How to install OpenDKIM for Sendmail on FreeBSD

What is DKIM?

DKIM is short for Domain Keys Identified Mail and is an internet standard, that ensures, that an email is in fact authorized by the owner of the domain, and, that its content is authentic and has not been modified. DKIM is available for FreeBSD as the OpenDKIM package or port. OpenDKIM is a milter for Sendmail, which is the default mail server in FreeBSD.

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