The purpose of the following semi-loose and aggressive (SLAG) ranges is to ensure a nice board cover, a well balanced bluff to value ratio and will make you appear as an active player, that is hard to play against, while still only showing up at the river with stronger hands.

2bet ranges from each position.

2bet from EP.
2bet from MP.
2bet from HJ.
2bet from CO.
2bet from BU.
2bet from SB.
2bet from BB.

3bet ranges vs each position.

3bet vs EP.
3bet vs MP.
3bet vs CO.
3bet vs BU.

4bet ranges from each position.

4bet from EP.
4bet from MP.
4bet from CO.
4bet from BU.

5bet range.



Each range is a default range, that works without reads and knowledge about the other players at the table. As the game develops, you will gain information and should make adjustments according to this information. You can either remove or add hands to a range dynamically or you can just jump a range as an adjustment.

Example 1: You have stronger aggressive players behind. You might reduce your opening range by removing hands or use a range from an earlier position. You might also shift more of these into your 4-bet all-in range. Example 2: You have weaker passive players behind. You might expand your opening range by adding hands or use the range from a later position.

Selfie of me with the famous high stakes poker player Gus Hansen, who is known from NBCs television program Poker After Dark.
Selfie of me with the famous high stakes poker player Gus Hansen, who is known from NBCs television program Poker After Dark.

About these ranges.

I made these ranges with Equilab, ImageMagick and my own shell script.

rm -rf cropped && mkdir cropped
for range in *.png
  convert $range -crop 401x401+7+52 cropped/$range

I might make call ranges at a later time.