How to contact me via email.

Feel free to reach out to me via email for inquiries, related to system administration, photography or other topics, I cover in my blog and homepage. Email is a versatile and widely accepted form of communication, that allows for secure exchange of messages, regardless of the platform or email client, you prefer.

My email address.

You can either copy and paste my email address, as it is shown below, or you can click here to launch your email client.

Optional end-to-end encryption with GPG.

I offer the option of encrypted communication with GPG for enhanced security and protection of privacy. GPG is also known as PGP, OpenPGP and Pretty Good Privacy. With GPG, you can ensure that your messages are only readable by me. I highly recommend this for discussions that involve sensitive information.

Download my GNU Privacy Guard (GPG) key for validating my signatures and encrypting your messages to me. My key has fingerprint 6A40 C7E0 7CC9 50AB 3C51 248B CF5B 8B76 CF4C EC34.

How to install my GPG key.

In the following example, the fetch and gnupg utility is used to download my GPG key, insert it into the key ring of GnuPG and set the trust level.

% fetch -o - | gpg --import -
% sh -c 'echo -e "5\ny\n" | gpg --command-fd 0 --edit-key CF5B8B76CF4CEC34 trust'

If you use Thunderbird Mail, you can configure it to use the key ring in GnuPG instead of the built-in key management. This is done in the directory for your Thunderbird profile.

% cd ~/.thunderbird/*.default
% touch user.js
% chmod 0600 user.js
% echo 'user_pref("mail.openpgp.allow_external_gnupg", true);' >> user.js
% echo 'user_pref("mail.openpgp.alternative_gpg_path", "/usr/local/bin/gpg");' >> user.js